Eagle Eats Cafe (located on the first floor) Photo Credit: Olivia Coleman
In the upcoming weeks around mid-October, Skyline is introducing a new addition to their cafeteria: the Eagle Eats! The staff and students are excited about the opening, as this cafe will introduce various new foods to the lunchtime and breakfast menu.
This section will serve treats and popular breakfast items like muffins and smoothies. Joel Nagy, Skyline’s food director, said, “Nothing will be more than probably five dollars.” Students can have Eagle Eats daily during school from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm (except for during lunch) with amazing nutritional choices. With the food director of Eagle Eats having a professional chef background, the food will certainly be excellent. Nagy also has experience working at Starbucks and hopes to replicate that environment within Skyline. In addition, Skyline is introducing two new employees who will be dedicated to running the cafe. Ingredients at Eagle Eats will be sourced from local businesses, making them fresh and nutritious.
Eagle Eats has been designed as an addition to the school so that all students can have something healthy and delicious in the mornings or whenever they might need it. Vice Principal Benjamin Anderson hopes Eagle Eats will provide students with food to energize them throughout the day. He also hopes it will reduce tardiness in third-period classes since many students are eating lunch off campus.
All the Skyline students seem excited about the opening and have great hopes for the food to be served there. One student, Kiana Reid, said, “I think the idea of a space like that sounds really interesting and like a really cool opportunity for Skyline students to have.”
Many schools are using Skyline’s ideas to improve their facilities—Skyline is acting as a pilot program for the Eagle Eats idea. “We’re a test school,” Anderson said. “They are looking into changing other schools into this type of system.”
According to Nagy and Anderson, Eagle Eats is planned to have a cafe/restaurant feel and will be open from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm. Some of the finer details are still being decided, but doubtlessly Eagle Eats is going to be ready soon. Skyline is excited to introduce this new facility to Skyline!