Ahead of the spring concert at Skyline, the Dance Ensemble team has been working rigorously in practice with both Kristen Breding, the dance teacher, and some guest guides to prepare for the multiple dances everyone will be happily a part of.
All of the dance teams at Skyline High School are preparing for the spring concert. They have been practicing coordinating with the groups to make sure that everything is perfect on the day of the spring concert. Each Dance Ensemble member will be in three different dances up on stage to present to the whole school this April.
According to Breding, the show will have lots of student choreography and also some guest choreographers for the spring concert.
A large majority of the dances that are seen will be student choreographed, showing just how much talent and expression these students have to show. There have been past dances, like the opening year assembly or the halftime dances at the football games, from the dancers this year. These dancers get their inspiration from many different places alongside the suggestions and assistance of Breding.
Breding says that there are so many different ways to express yourself through dance. ¨I feel like anything can influence it,¨ she says, talking about her own personal creative outlet and the way she choreographs.
Most of the dance members on the Dance Ensemble team have been dancing ever since they were young, like both Freshmen Megan Miller and Lauren Westover. This role will be big for them to take on multiple dances each, taking on a lot of pressure to get up and express themselves so deeply in front of all those people.
Westover, in response to being asked about how long she’s been dancing, says, ¨Since I was three. So pretty long just like Megan.¨
The dancers at Skyline have been dancing their whole lives and their reasons to start dancing as girls are all different depending on the person. All the girls have a great love for what they do and have found what they love to do most.
Miller mentions her older sister went to Skyline which was one of her biggest inspirations to do dance. She was the whole reason Miller started to dance when she was a little girl.
Skyline is known for its outstanding academics, but what is often overlooked is the dance teams.
Breding says herself in regards to why she’d want to teach here at Skyline:¨This was always the dream job, to be teaching here at Skyline.¨