How to ACE the ACT
October 17, 2018
The ACT is easily one of the most daunting, high-stakes tests that a student can take in their lifetime. The score you receive on this test, along with your cumulative GPA, will help determine which colleges will accept you, and which will disappoint you. However, there are many tips and strategies concerning how to do well on the ACT.
One of the most important things to remember is not to over analyze. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. When reading a question, and the answer choices following it, it is best to go with your gut feeling. When over analyzing, the average human brain tends to “discover” clues and pieces of information that don’t actually exist.
Another critical point to remember is to not to get lazy or overwhelmed when taking the test. Unfortunately, most test-takers tend to gravitate to the clearest, easiest answer choice available. Test authors are aware of this common mistake, and they prey upon it. In fact, the best way to handle confusing answer choices is to give each answer choice an appropriate amount of attention, instead of choosing the easiest answer available. A highly effective way of finding the best correct answer is to rephrase the question. For example, if a question asks you to find the answer that isn’t false, you can rephrase it to: “find the answer that is true.”
Finding key words in a text is another crucial concept when taking the ACT. Since the ACT is time-restrained, most readers are not able to read the entire story. Looking for key words is an efficient and time-saving method when it comes to finding the right answer. Weighing the most important words and phrases is a much more effective method of discovering the right answer than reading every word of the prompt.
There are no answer “patterns” when it comes to The ACT. Just because you haven’t guessed answer choice “D” in a while doesn’t necessarily mean that the next question has that correct answer. Most test-takers give in to this ineffective strategy when facing a difficult question, or set of questions. Test authors randomize the answers before the tests are given out, and they are sure to eliminate any coincidental patterns beforehand. Some test takers spend actual time during the test in an attempt to discover a pattern. This is a monumental waste of time, and might even affect your overall final score. Do not try to find any imaginary patterns in the answers.
These are just a few crucial test taking strategies to help you improve your ACT score. Just remember to go with your gut, put time into finding the correct answer, find keywords, and avoid problems. This test can be extremely stressful, but your hard work will pay off if your dedication is there.