Skyline has welcomed many new students and some new teachers to compliment its new building, but one of these teachers isn’t new. Michael Olson, an English teacher, is back after one year of being away from Skyline.
At Skyline, Olson teaches several English classes, including the English language development class, tenth-grade English, and concurrent enrollment English. Before he left, he was with Skyline for several years also teaching English.
During this one-year break from Skyline, Olson became an assistant principal for two different elementary schools in Davis County School District in Farmington. After being asked if he liked his time at the elementary schools or if he was glad to be back at Skyline, Olson said, “Both. I liked it. I think teaching high school students is easier than teaching kindergarten, but I did like it, because I got to help students and teachers in the building when they had problems, and that was fun.”
Like many other teachers, this is also Olson’s first year teaching in the new school which has changed drastically from the old one. Olson said, “There are parts of the old school I miss; I miss having counter space and cabinets, but the new building is fun. We get to play with the new technology.”
One of Olson’s students, who would like to remain anonymous, said, “I like him as a teacher a lot. I like his class, and I think he’s a good teacher.” Another one of Olson’s students who would also like to remain anonymous said, “I have concurrent enrollment in English with him, and I like it a lot. I originally just took it for the college credit, but now I kinda look forward to that class on the days that I have it.”
Skyline has had a lot of changes this year: a new building, a new principal, and a new school year with new students. To many, it’s nice to know that, as the school changes, the teachers that make Skyline Skyline will stay the same.