Skyline Students Need Lunch Spots

Almost all Skyline kids leave the school during lunch, so places to go eat and avoid are needed for everyone new to the life of an open campus. Skyline students are fairly predictable in their food, regardless of how busy the restaurants might be.
Best places to take a lunchtime trip to include Maceys, Thirst, Tacobell, or Cafe rio
Anyone without a car or a ton of time tends to flow towards Macey’s grocery store on Wasatch Blvd. This includes freshman and sophmores, and sometimes the older crowd on $5 sushi Wednesdays. Cafe Rio always requires extra time for the lack of drive through, but while there, there’s also Zupas if the line is too long or there are better options for the day. “I love 5 dollar sushi. I always leave to get sushi” says Mrs. Peterson, who always shows up to 3rd with a little package of sushi.
Zupas, Smiths, Einsteins
There also is the option to get bagels before school or during second period (although Skyline Horizon does not condone skipping or tardiness to school). Einsteins closes at 2 so there’s no chance for an afterschool bagel. Workers have also complained about the crowds migrating from Skyline and Churchill. Smiths is a little further away from the skyline, across 33rd, and across the McDonalds crowd, but is still a good option.
Some of the worst places to go are In and out, McDonalds, Subway, Chick-fil-a
Although they seem like fast food options that aren’t super far away, all the students from Skyline seem to be there. Long lines but for the best food options. “McDonalds, We always go in groups of 10 so we’ve never been cut off but we may have cut someone off” says a junior at Skyline High School, which means they were the ones cutting people off. “Yeah! I got cut off in the line, we were supposed to be merging, ” said freshman, Preslee Ohm.
The Ones who don’t leave.
Many skyline students choose not to go out to spend money at lunch. Mr. Garrett would be proud of all of you. There are lots of students who take the time to go back to their houses, the lack of parking; this also proved to be an issue. “I go home to eat my food – I never stay here” says Ethan Lott, a junior, son of teacher Mr. Lott. Specific places to avoid include for rivalry reasons, Swizzle, Fresh Market and 7-11 on 39th. All of those are Olympus places due to the proximity to their school. Running into people you know or don’t isn’t always as awkward as it seems unless someone cares about the rivalry. Don’t go places far away, with the increase on the attendance and tardy policies there is a higher chance to get detention from being late for a couple classes. Ava Brown, a sophmore doesn’t leave because she doesn’t want to lose her “good parking spot” as well as the lack of parking; this also proved to be an issue. In and out is in Fort Union yet there are still kids who take the trek out and back, coming in late to classes, don’t sacrifice your grades for a burger.